Tell Equinor to end the partnership with Ithaca Energy and cancel the Rosebank oil field

To Equinor and the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry Cecilie Myrseth,

Equinor Must Drop Ithaca: No Oil Profits for Occupation

Urgent! Did you know that Equinor’s development of the Rosebank oil field could send hundreds of millions of pounds to a company that operates in illegal settlements in Palestine?

Equinor’s partner on the Rosebank oil field, Ithaca Energy, is majority-owned by the Delek Group - a company operating in West Bank settlements and whose activities have raised human rights concerns. These settlements are considered illegal under international law.

If the Rosebank oil field goes ahead, some of its vast oil profits could flow to Delek. Equinor should not enable the flow of money to a company whose activities are contributing to the ongoing violence and dispossession faced by Palestinians.

Add your voice and demand that Equinor ends the partnership with Ithaca and cancels the Rosebank oil field.
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To: To Equinor and the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry Cecilie Myrseth,
From: [Your Name]

We demand that Equinor immediately cancels its partnership with Ithaca Energy. Ithaca’s parent company, Delek Group, operates in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and its activities in the West Bank have raised human rights concerns.

We are deeply concerned about Equinor’s partnership on the Rosebank oil field because:

• Ithaca’s parent company, Delek Group, has since 2020 been on a UN list of companies operating in Israel’s West Bank settlements. The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights updated the database most recently in 2023, with Delek Group remaining on the list for the “provision of services and utilities supporting the maintenance and existence of settlements, including transport”, and “use of natural resources, in particular water and land, for business purposes”.

• Hundreds of millions of pounds from Ithaca’s North Sea operations have already flowed to the Delek Group in the form of dividends. If the Rosebank oil field goes ahead, some of its vast oil profits could flow to Delek Group, a company that operates in illegal settlements in Palestine.

• In 2021, Norway’s largest pension fund, KLP, divested from Delek Group, one of 16 firms it severed ties to over their links to settlements in the West Bank. It concluded that “there is unacceptable risk that the excluded companies contribute to violations of human rights in war and conflict situations through their affiliation with the Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.” In 2023, the Norwegian oil fund also excluded Delek Group over human rights concerns related to its operations in Western Sahara.

• Delek Group, also has links to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). A recent report found that Delek Israel, part-owned by the Delek Group, has supplied fuel to the IDF, with military personnel able to refuel at hundreds of petrol stations owned by Delek Israel under an agreed contract.

• Equinor’s partnership goes against the government’s advice to Norwegian companies not to engage in business cooperation or trade that serves to perpetuate the illegal Israeli settlements.

Equinor can no longer be allowed to prioritise short-term profits over climate, nature and human rights. The Norwegian government must step in.

As Norway’s Minister of Trade, we urge you to instruct Equinor and its CEO Anders Opedal to immediately end the partnership with Ithaca Energy and cancel Rosebank.