Tell Google to De-monetize All Climate Disinformation on its Platforms


Climate disinformation is a tool that allows fossil-fuel-funded interests to intentionally confuse the public – and frequently put climate scientists at grave risk of harassment and death threats – while also worsening a real and present threat to ALL of us by preventing action to lessen the impacts of extreme and dangerous weather events.

This June, Google finally pledged to demonetize the Heartland Institute, one of the biggest spreaders of climate disinformation on YouTube – after literally years of tireless advocacy from climate action supporters.

This is good news for our movement, but there is much more to be done. Google still hosts climate deniers on their platforms – and has not yet announced policies and enforcement mechanisms to demonetize all the other climate disinformation spreaders on their platforms. We need all these fraudsters gone so we can get clear on the real facts of climate change.

Click “Add your name” to tell Google: Demonetizing Heartland Institute was a good first step, but you need to also take action against ALL those polluting the information ecosystem on Youtube and Google search.

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To: Google
From: [Your Name]

Dear Google,

Thank you for pledging to demonetize known climate-deniers Heartland Institute on YouTube. Your action helps combat climate disinformation on your platforms in accordance with your commitment to sustainability. I encourage you to expand your climate disinformation policies and take similar future actions against ALL the climate disinformation peddlers in your ecosystem.

Disinformation on your platforms poses a severe threat to our nation’s ability to respond to the climate crisis; it also puts climate scientists in peril through harassment and threats, and causes global harm as people die in extreme weather events.

The climate crisis intensifies each and every day. There’s little time to waste. Solving climate change is hard enough – you must not make it any harder by amplifying disinformation.