Tell Gov. Mills: Mainers need safe, accessible housing during this public health crisis
Governor Janet Mills

Access to housing is vital to contain the spread of COVID-19 and ensure that Mainers remain healthy and safe during this public health crisis. Despite the obvious need for Mainers to shelter in place during this time, many are still facing the threat of eviction or foreclosure during this pandemic. No one should fear losing their housing — especially during this national emergency.
That’s why we're circulating a petition to Gov. Janet Mills urging her to take executive action to place a moratorium on all evictions and foreclosures, with rent forgiveness, until this public health emergency is over.
Please sign on to the petition below to let Gov. Mills know that Mainers need safe, accessible housing during this public health crisis.
This petition is sponsored by Cooperative Development Institute, Land in Common, Maine AFL-CIO, Maine Center for Economic Policy, Maine Equal Justice, Maine Immigrant Housing Coalition, Maine People's Alliance, Maine People's Housing Coalition, Maine Poor People’s Campaign, Maine Service Employees Association, Maine Small Business Coalition, Maine Women's Lobby, Mano en Mano, Preble Street, Raise-Op Housing Cooperative, Southern Maine Democratic Socialists of America, Southern Maine Workers' Center.
Sponsored by
Governor Janet Mills
[Your Name]
Governor Mills,
Safe, accessible housing is essential to promoting the public health of all Mainers. As the state grapples with containing the spread of COVID-19, this moment only highlights the urgent need for action to ensure Mainers have a safe place to stay to protect themselves, reduce the spread of COVID-19, and help flatten the curve to prevent our health care system from being overwhelmed.
We, the undersigned Mainers, strongly urge you to issue an executive order suspending residential and commercial foreclosures, evictions and rent increases until 90 days after the state emergency has been lifted.
Specifically we recommend that the following steps be taken:
- a moratorium should be placed on all evictions and foreclosures of residences and small businesses to extend at least 90 days after the end of the public health emergency,
- rents and mortgages should be forgiven during the period of the moratorium,
- In order to cover their ongoing operating costs, property owners should be able to seek cash assistance from the government for lost revenue from rental payments during the period of the moratorium.
Access to housing is vital to containing the spread of COVID-19 and ensuring that Mainers remain healthy and safe during this public health crisis. Please do everything in your power to keep people in their homes throughout this national emergency.