Tell Governor DeWine He Must Act Now To Protect Ohioans in Prison
Governor DeWine
The Ohio Fair Courts Alliance is seriously concerned about the impact COVID-19 has on incarcerated Ohioans. The sad reality is that Ohio is systemically failing to adequately address COVID-19 concerns and realities for people enprisoned in our state. Marion Correctional Institute is now the largest reported source of virus infections in the United States, according to a New York Times database.
Lives are at stake. We can't just ignore these problems and hope they will go away.
Sign our petition to demand Governor DeWine take immediate steps to develop and implement a comprehensive, science-based action plan requiring Ohio prisons (and related entities) to minimize the spread and impact of COVID-19 through quickly releasing certain members of these populations.
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Governor DeWine
[Your Name]
Dear Governor DeWine,
I urge you to immediately create and disseminate a plan of action to prevent and manage the spread of COVID-19 for Ohio’s incarcerated population.
COVID-19 should not be a death sentence for Ohioans in prison. Statistics show that the prison population is particularly vulnerable to the effects of this virus. There are many individuals in prison who are at elevated risk due to their age and existing health conditions, and yet they are having trouble accessing adequate medical services. In addition, more must me done to provide testing and address the cramped and unhygienic conditions in these detention facilities.
Please act now by releasing as many people as possible to ensure the safety of the rest of the incarcerated population, staff members, and community at large.
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