Tell Governor Hickenlooper: Follow the Water Plan Checklist

Governor Hickenlooper

Governor Hickenlooper has done a good job of leading the way on the creation of the Water Plan, but it’s time for more action. It’s time for actually using the Plan’s criteria to determine whether to spend public funds on water projects. It’s time to put Colorado’s rivers first. The process is long, but our rivers can’t afford to wait any longer for us to begin.

Sign this petition to make sure that the state follows the criteria in the Water Plan >>

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To: Governor Hickenlooper
From: [Your Name]

I am a proud supporter of the robust set of criteria in Colorado's Water Plan for proposed water projects seeking state support and public funding. We need to make sure that any projects are cost-effective, meet real needs, prevent environmental impacts and have community support and input.

You worked hard to develop a state water plan that will keep us smart about our water use for generations to come. But now you need to make the most of that hard work and ensure all of the criteria are applied in deciding which projects are worthy of state support and funding. We are all in this together, and I encourage you to make sure that the state applies the criteria in a open and public process that provides transparency of expenditures of our limited public funds, protects river and wildlife, and reflects our water values.