Tell Governor Holcomb: Prioritize Redistricting Reform in 2019!

Governor Eric Holcomb

During his 2016 campaign, Governor Holcomb said that he supported redistricting reform and hoped that it would be in place before the next round of electoral map drawing in 2021. Now, he has the chance to help make that happen -- by publicly announcing his support for redistricting reform.

Leadership on redistricting reform has been in short supply at the State House and it’s time for the Governor to step into the void.

Add your name to the growing list of Hoosiers in support of a transparent and bipartisan process that puts citizens, not politicians, in charge of redistricting -- and tell Governor Holcomb to make fair redistricting a top priority during the 2019 legislative session.

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To: Governor Eric Holcomb
From: [Your Name]

​Governor Holcomb, thank you for supporting redistricting reform in Indiana. I think it’s one of the most important issues in our state today -- and one that deserves to be on your list of legislative priorities next year. Please make redistricting reform a top concern in 2019 and do all you can as Indiana’s top elected official to encourage the legislature to pass it.​