Tell Governor Little: Keep Your Promise to Idaho Schools

Governor Brad Little

Educators and school leaders across the state recently received very bad news: $115 million in funds that were promised to Idaho public schools are being held back.

Why? It appears that Governor Little—perhaps under pressure from members of the Idaho Legislature—did not take action last month to fix a glitch in the school-funding formula. The result is that public schools will receive an increase of just $215 million, not the $330 million they were promised.

If this issue goes unaddressed, school districts across the state will feel the impact. Some districts will see layoffs of teachers and support staff. Others will be forced to increase class sizes, eliminate positions for counselors and librarians, or hold back promised salary increases.

All of this will hurt students.

Here’s the good news: Our Governor has the power to fix this. Governor Little has stood up for public education in the past, and he has a chance to do so once again by calling on the State Board of Education to issue a temporary rule and address the funding shortfall.

Will you sign the petition and call on Governor Little to keep his promise?

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To: Governor Brad Little
From: [Your Name]

Governor Brad Little,

We, the undersigned, call on you to keep your promise to Idaho schools by calling on the State Board of Education to issue a temporary rule and address the $115 million funding shortfall.

If this issue goes unaddressed, school districts across the state will feel the impact. Some districts will see layoffs of teachers and support staff. Others will be forced to increase class sizes, eliminate positions for counselors and librarians, or hold back promised salary increases.

All of this will hurt students.

We urge you to keep your promise to Idaho schools.