Tell ICE: Release Isac Now!

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Isac Dos Santos was detained by CBP on Saturday, July 7th 2018 at 1am at the Sierra Blanca checkpoint and transferred to ICE after being held by CBP over 100 hours. He was on his way to Louisiana to help his friend move when he was stopped and detained for questioning. To date, Isac has not been released and he is currently detained at Otero County Processing Center.

Isac is a generous and giving young person, who is in the process of applying for his DACA renewal. Just two months ago his brother had to get surgery in San Francisco and Isac immediately took off work to care for him. Isac has lived in the U.S. since 1998 and knows no other home. Add you name to demand his release and reunite him with his family.

Isac would not be detained, if Congress members did the right thing and stopped giving money to ICE and CBP. Make sure to join us on our demand to defund CBP and ICE right now!

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To: Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
From: [Your Name]

Release Isac de Santos now, he does not deserve to be in detention, he needs to be home with his family!