Tell KP We're United For the Best Care and Service!
Kaiser Permanente
As workers in health care and communities across the country continue to battle COVID-19, one hospital system enjoys healthy profit margins: Kaiser Permanente (KP).
As the largest healthcare employer in California and one of the biggest in the country, KP provides care for millions of patients. Kaiser even turned down COVID relief money because it is so financially strong.
However, instead of thanking those who fought on the frontlines and using their tremendous resources to address chronic short staffing and delayed access to necessary care, KP is using this moment to try and maximize profit.
KP is a successful employer that can and should invest in its greatest asset – workers committed to providing the best care and service to our communities.
Please sign our petition to Kaiser Permanente demanding they invest in patient care.
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Kaiser Permanente
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The future of health care depends on protecting millions of patients and families from decreasing standards of care, safety, access, and staffing. We stand united for the best for workers and patients. We call on Kaiser Permanente to focus its tremendous resources on improving safe staffing, health equity, and access to the best care and treatment in all its facilities.