Tell national park superintendents to stand strong and keep bucking the bottle!


Now, more than ever, we need to ensure the preservation of the natural and cultural resources of the National Park Service, by providing what park visitors are asking for -- sustainable alternatives to bottled water.

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To: Superintendents
From: [Your Name]

Dear superintendents:

Our national parks have an unmatched legacy of conservation and sustainability. The growing movement of national parks going bottled water free and increasing access to tap water in parks reaffirms the notion that our parks are models for progress when it comes to protecting the environment.

But the bottled water industry has been lobbying Congress for years in an attempt to roll back Policy Memorandum 11-03, which outlines how parks can implement bottled-water-free policies.

Now, just weeks after Deputy Interior Secretary David Bernhardt (fresh from his tenure at a law firm with close ties to Nestlé) was confirmed, the bottled water industry is finally getting what it’s been pushing for all these years: commonsense Policy Memorandum 11-03 has been rescinded.

But this does not need to mean the end of the line for parks eliminating bottled water and increasing access to tap. Now, more than ever, we need your leadership to ensure the preservation of the natural and cultural resources of the National Park Service, by providing what park visitors are asking for -- sustainable alternatives to bottled water.

I call on you to resist the bottled water industry and the Trump administration’s corporate agenda: Continue upholding the National Park Service’s legacy of sustainability and make your parks bottled-water-free.