Tell Oral Roberts University: Change your anti-LGBTQ honor code
Oral Roberts University President Dr. Billy Wilson

“I was closeted my entire time at ORU because the policies essentially banned my existence, putting me in a constant state of fear and hyper-vigilance. I was taught to hate the core of who I am, and I did just that. I’m lucky to be alive. I pray no student ever has to experience the torture that I did as a queer student on campus.” - Jane Doe, ORU Alumni
Oral Roberts University President Dr. Billy Wilson
[Your Name]
As people deeply committed to upholding the God-given dignity of all people, we are dismayed that homophobic practices and ideologies are deeply ingrained and imbedded within academic and student life on campus. We feel that ORU’s discriminatory practices and policies against our LGBTQ+ neighbors directly oppose clear biblical tenets to love everyone, especially those who are outcast and marginalized.
We stand in solidarity with Queer and Trans students, faculty, and alumni who are bravely living the Gospel's call to love all of our neighbors as Christ loved us. We believe that prohibiting LGBTQ+ identity and expression sends a hateful message that undermines the open and affirming love of Christ which welcomes all into the fold. Queer and Trans students exist on campus and their humanity as the Imago Dei should be treasured.
We ask you to remove the ban on “homosexual activity” that operates as a tool of fear, hatred, and oppression against sexual minorities.
We ask you to empower faculty members, administrators, resident advisors, peer success coaches, and chaplains to provide safe and affirming spaces for LGBTQ+ students.
We ask you to acknowledge that ORU’s vision to love and grow the whole person requires affirming the spirit, mind, and body of everyone on campus — including LGBTQ+ students.