Tell PA Legislators to Fully Fund the Department of Environmental Protection

PA Legislators

The safety of Pennsylvania families requires adequate funding for the Department of Environmental Protection.

Per Pennlive, "In recent years, the state has repeatedly been dinged by the EPA and environmental groups for failing to enforce regulations concerning the Marcellus Shale gas industry and, most recently, drinking water standards. The DEP has cited budget cuts and this budget does nothing to rectify that. Had the agency's 2008 budget of $229 million kept pace with inflation, it would now be $255 million."

Instead, the DEP budget sits at a little over $148 million for the current fiscal year.

Sign the petition telling state legislators to give the DEP the funding it needs to protect our air and water.

To: PA Legislators
From: [Your Name]

WE THE UNDERSIGNED, call on our Governor and the General Assembly to give the state Department of Environmental Protection the funding it needs to adequately protect our air and water, most specifically by overseeing the growing oil and gas industry in Pennsylvania.

Had the DEP's 2008 budget of $229 million kept pace with inflation, it would now be $255 million. In the current fiscal year, the DEP budget was only slightly more than $148 million, not nearing enough to do its job, which is constitutionally mandated.

Stop the cuts to DEP. It's time to find the necessary revenue to INCREASE funding for this vital department.