Tell Pat Ryan: We Demand Ceasefire Now!

Congressman Pat Ryan

White dove holding green branch. Big white letters reading: "Hudson Valley Demands". Big red letters reading: "Ceasefire now!"

Every hour the death toll in Gaza increases. Access to water, food, electricity, and medical services is little to non-existent. Constant bombing is leveling city blocks. After Israel ordered people in Northern Gaza to evacuate, over 1.1 million Palestinians are forced to weigh displacement or death.

This is all happening with consent and encouragement of our government and our tax dollars. The full-throated support for war from Congress members such as Pat Ryan have only increased the death toll of Palestinians and Israelis. As a veteran, Mr. Ryan should know how quickly this could devolve into another 9/11 - another horrifying loss of life on both sides. Israel claims to have dropped 6000 bombs on Gaza in 6 days - that is nearly the total number of bombs the US dropped on Afghanistan in an entire year.

But just as our influence is wielded for war, the opposite is true. We can demand a ceasefire and have the responsibility to do so. Right now, there are over a dozen members of Congress pushing for an immediate ceasefire and a safe pathway for humanitarian aid.

As residents of the Hudson Valley, we call on Congressman Ryan to sign onto the ceasefire resolution being circulated by Representative Bush and take immediate steps to deescalate and pressure Israel to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza.

We cannot bomb our way to peace, and we must not let our country continue its complicity in this horror.

Petition sponsored by:

  • Jewish Voice for Peace Hudson Valley
  • New Paltz Women in Black
  • Mid-Hudson Valley DSA

To: Congressman Pat Ryan
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, are writing to you about the current humanitarian crisis in Palestine and Israel. As the Vice-Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, it is incumbent upon you, Congressman Ryan, to be a leading and loud supporter of an immediate ceasefire.

We must take immediate steps to deescalate, and we must put pressure on Israel to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza. The casualties of both Palestinians and Israelis continue to mount with every hour, and we know the only hope for peace is with the U.S. leading the call for ceasefire.

Congressman Ryan, please sign on to the ceasefire resolution that is currently being circulated by Representative Bush.

Thank you