Tell Pat Toomey to Support Legislation to Fix Our Crumbling Bridges and Schools

Senator Pat Toomey

Our bridges and schools are crumbling, our water pipes are failing and our transportation systems are falling into disrepair. Hundreds of thousands of working people are still out of work.

These are huge problems, but they can be solved if our elected leaders take action to invest in a long-term plan to fix our country’s infrastructure. Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress, including Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), have refused to address these issues for years now.

Sign the petition to tell Pat Toomey to support legislation to fix our crumbling infrastructure to create good jobs and keep our communities safe.
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Washington, DC

To: Senator Pat Toomey
From: [Your Name]

I'm calling on you to support legislation to create a long-term plan to fix our crumbling infrastructure. Rebuilding our infrastructure will be a win-win for everyone. It will create good jobs and keep our communities safe.