Tell President Zimmer: #ReleaseTheEndowment Now
President Robert Zimmer, University of Chicago

Israel’s military occupation over Palestinians is a daily nightmare for those living under it, and a moral disaster for those who support it. As Jewish students at the University of Chicago, we demand to know whether our University’s endowment is invested in companies that profit from the Israeli occupation. We call on President Zimmer’s administration to release the endowment in order to make transparent whether and how its investments are tied to the daily violence of the occupation.
We believe the University can no longer invest its substantial capital without regard for the consequences. No money should fund military occupation and the home demolitions, settlements, child detention, and more that accompany daily life for millions of Palestinians. As students at the University of Chicago, we have a right to know whether and how the endowment provides material support for military occupation.
If you believe a baseline of transparency is necessary to secure freedom and dignity for all, join us in demanding that President Zimmer #ReleaseTheEndowment.
#ReleaseTheEndowment #OccupationAudit
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President Robert Zimmer, University of Chicago
[Your Name]
Israel’s military occupation over Palestinians is a daily nightmare for those living under it, and a moral disaster for those who support it. As Jewish students at the University of Chicago, we demand to know whether our University’s endowment is invested in companies that profit from the Israeli occupation. We call on President Zimmer’s administration to release the endowment in order to make transparent whether and how its investments are tied to the daily violence of the occupation.
We believe the University can no longer invest its substantial capital without regard for the consequences. No money should fund military occupation and the home demolitions, settlements, child detention, and more that accompany daily life for millions of Palestinians. As students at the University of Chicago, we have a right to know whether and how the endowment provides material support for military occupation.
If you believe a baseline of transparency is necessary to secure freedom and dignity for all, commit to #ReleaseTheEndowment.
#ReleaseTheEndowment #OccupationAudit