Tell Rob Portman to Restore the Voting Rights Act

Senator Rob Portman

For nearly 50 years, the Voting Rights Act protected the right to vote for Americans everywhere. It ensured everyone’s voice was heard and everyone got a chance to participate in our democracy.

But the U.S. Supreme Court, in 2013, gutted the VRA and put in jeopardy the right to vote for millions of Americans. Rob Portman and other Republicans in Congress can take action and restore the VRA, but so far they’ve refused to do anything about it.

Sign the petition now to tell Senator Portman to demand he take action to protect the right to vote for millions of Americans and support restoring the Voting Rights Act.
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Washington, DC

To: Senator Rob Portman
From: [Your Name]

The Supreme Court’s decision to gut the Voting Rights Act has jeopardized the right to vote for millions of Americans and is putting our democracy in peril. I’m calling on you to take action and support the restoration of the Voting Rights Act.