Tell RSI: Stop Attacking Pensions!
Board of Directors, Retirement Security Initiative
Billionaire John Arnold has spent millions attacking public pensions nationwide. Now he’s funneling money through a new organization, the so-called Retirement Security Initiative (RSI).
This group has one goal: ending defined benefit pensions for our teachers, firefighters, and other public employees.
RSI has advocated against pensions in states like Nebraska, California, and Michigan. When legislators were considering draconian cuts to teachers’ retirement in Michigan, RSI hired an expensive lobbyist to push their anti-pension agenda.
The Retirement Security Initiative can’t be trusted.
Don’t let RSI attack your retirement! They may have John Arnold’s money, but our collective solidarity is stronger.
Sign the petition today and tell them to stop their attacks on the retirement security of working people!
Board of Directors, Retirement Security Initiative
[Your Name]
Protecting the retirement security of teachers, firefighters, nurses, and other public sector employees is important. However, your misleading attacks on public pensions would do the exact opposite of your stated goal. Eliminating public pensions would seriously harm the retirement security of public employees.
I urge you to end your misguided attacks on traditional defined benefit pensions. Promoting failed cash balance plans or risky defined contribution plans is not a solution to the retirement security crisis facing our nation. Public employees have earned their pensions during their years of service to our communities. Attempting to undermine their retirement security unnecessarily harms these hard-working public servants.
Please stop your attacks and work with public employees to protect public pensions for generations to come.