Tell Sen. Rob Portman: Act Now on Climate Change

Sen. Rob Portman

Climate change is real and has intensified heat waves, droughts and floods in the Buckeye State, say 70% of Ohio residents. A majority of Ohio residents want government action on climate change.

Fighting climate change can’t wait. Ohio ranks fourth in carbon dioxide emissions, and third in coal ash pollution nationally—yet Senator Rob Portman refuses to act, putting his fossil fuel industry donors ahead of Ohio’s interests.

Ohioans know that it's time to act on Climate Change. Add your name to tell Rob Portman enough is enough—act on Climate Change now!

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To: Sen. Rob Portman
From: [Your Name]

Fighting climate change can’t wait. According to a new report released by NextGen Climate America, in 2015, dirty power plants in Pennsylvania and Ohio were responsible for a combined total of more than 4,400 deaths and more than $38 billion in health impacts.

Ohio’s poorest communities carry the largest burden of power plant pollution. In Ohio and Pennsylvania, 85% of coal and natural gas power plants are located in areas with disproportionately high numbers of low-income and/or minority residents.

Investing in clean energy and cutting air pollution would add over 1 million US jobs by 2030. By reducing emissions 80% below 1990 levels by 2050, the United States would also increase GDP by up to $290 billion and raise household incomes.

Please publicly commit to make Ohio a safer environment and put an end to climate change.