Tell Senate Democratic Leadership: Rein in the Supreme Court

Senator Schumer and Senator Durbin

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. They hand down decisions that affect the entire country for generations. They should be held to the highest level of scrutiny and the highest ethical standard. It is a disgrace that Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito accept gifts and vacations from billionaire benefactors, often without disclosing them to the American people.

The Senate has the power to rein in this corruption in this co-equal branch of government. They should use it. Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin should hold full hearings on Clarence Thomas’ and Samuel Alito’s misconduct as soon as possible. And Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer should bring a bill to implement a Supreme Court code of ethics to the Senate floor as soon as possible.

Add your name to urge Senate Democratic leaders to restore public trust in the Supreme Court. We will deliver your names to their offices at the start of the next Supreme Court term in October.

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To: Senator Schumer and Senator Durbin
From: [Your Name]

The American people deserve a Supreme Court that is free from corruption. In light of their alarming corruption scandals, justices must be held accountable. Congressional oversight has never been more urgent.

We call on Senator Dick Durbin to use his power as the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee to initiate investigatory hearings into Justices Thomas’ and Alito’ unethical and illegal conduct, to subpoena Harlan Crow and others, and give the American people a full accounting of these serious allegations.

We call on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to hold a full Senate vote on the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act, which would require the Supreme Court to adopt and abide by a code of conduct.