Tell Senate Democrats: Pass a national $15 minimum wage immediately

Democrats in the U.S. Senate

The American people voted for jobs and care last year. This year, they're expecting Democrats to use their mandate and get it done.

But the Senate parliamentarian — an unelected position — just said that the $15 minimum wage should be removed from President Biden’s COVID relief package.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaigned on $15 and won a mandate to deliver on it. It has massive support in poll after poll. Progressives in the House worked tirelessly with Democratic leadership to include $15 in the COVID relief bill. And working families across the country are counting on Democrats to get it done, now.

Will you sign our emergency petition demanding that the Senate Democratic majority we elected do whatever it takes to pass a national, $15 minimum wage immediately?

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To: Democrats in the U.S. Senate
From: [Your Name]

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaigned on $15 and won a mandate to deliver on it. It has massive support in poll after poll. Progressives in the House worked tirelessly with Democratic leadership to include $15 in the COVID relief bill. And working families across the country are counting on Senate Democrats to get it done, now.

Do whatever it takes to pass a national, $15 minimum wage immediately.