Tell Senator Ernst "Hands off our Social Security!"

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst just told her constituents that Congress should "sit down behind closed doors" and "fix" Social Security.

But we know what she really means: lawmakers should avoid scrutiny so they can cut and privatize our earned benefits.

We must not let this dangerous statement go unchecked. Sign our petition to tell Sen. Ernst that Congress should keep its hands off Social Security!

(Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, Flickr)

To: U.S. Senator Joni Ernst
From: [Your Name]

This week you said Congress should "sit down behind closed doors" to "fix" Social Security.

This is outrageous. Government officials work for us and should do so in public, so your constituents can see whose interests you are representing.

Even more troubling is your eagerness to privatize and cut our earned Social Security benefits.

We urge you to reverse course and strengthen and expand Social Security by making wealthy Americans pay their fair share into the system.