Tell Senator Portman: Stand up for Ohio voters by voting to pass the HEROES Act!
Senator Rob Portman
Ohio can’t pull off a safe, fair November election in its current state -- our election officials need more funding to make sure that all Ohioans can vote safely and securely this fall.
Senator Portman has the power to stand up for Ohioans by voting to pass the HEROES Act -- which contains crucial funding for state and local elections, as well as the critically underfunded U.S. Postal Service.
What Ohio could do with more funding: purchase additional ballot drop boxes to make it easier for voters across the state to return their ballots … secure polling locations that are large enough for safe, socially distanced voting … obtain more personal protective equipment for poll workers and voters … and put more resources into recruiting poll workers to prevent the shortage in workers expected nationwide.
And, the HEROES Act would fully fund the USPS, which many Ohioans will rely on to mail in their ballots.
We don’t want a repeat of the primary -- when vote-by-mail requests and ballots were delayed across Ohio -- but a Board of Elections or Postal Service with insufficient resources can’t fix the problem.
Add your name to tell Senator Rob Portman: Ohio voters need you to stand up for their elections this November -- vote to pass the HEROES Act.
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Senator Rob Portman
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No matter how they vote, all Ohioans deserve to cast their ballots in a safe, secure, and adequately-funded election. Senator Portman must vote to pass the HEROES Act -- providing the Board of Elections and US Postal Service the resources they need to ensure voters across the state can cast their ballot this November.