Add your name: Jeff Sessions must rescind his zero tolerance policy

Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III

Following the gut-wrenching images and stories of children being ripped from their parent's arms and housed in cages by federal immigration agents, a bipartisan group of former United States Attorneys drafted a letter calling on current Attorney General Jeff Sessions to end family separation.

They write that Sessions' "zero tolerance" policy is "a radical departure from previous Justice Department policy" and is "dangerous, expensive, and inconsistent with the values of the institution in which we served."

Since Sessions' policy went into effect two months ago, around 2,000 children have been forcibly separated from their parents at the southern border. Even some of Trump's bootlickers in Congress admit that it's failing, in a horrific and spectacular fashion.

Still, Sessions has publicly defended it. He is determined to enact as many white nationalist policies as possible while he has the power to do so. This time it comes at the cost of irreparable harm to thousands of people seeking refuge and shelter.

This policy is not law and it is not necessary. Its implementation and execution are taking place solely at the direction of Sessions. He can -- and must -- rescind the policy before more children are traumatized.  Even Trump's planned executive order to amend this policy may simply result in having children jailed indefinitely with their parents.

Sign the petition: Tell Attorney General Jeff Sessions to rescind his "no tolerance" policy.

To: Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III
From: [Your Name]

Families belong together. Rescind your cruel, unconscionable “zero-tolerance policy” for offenses under 8 U.S.C. § 1325(a).