Tell the Albany Hilton to Respect the Local Labor Community

Mr. Attillo Petrocelli, CEO; Anthony Miceli CFO; Michael Lamoretti, VP: Charles Harris, Director of Finance: Bernie Molka, Director of Construction

For years the Albany Hilton has had a good relationship with the local labor community. Many of our organizations and friends have held events there. However, under its new ownership it is performing renovations with contractors that undermine the area standards of our local union contractors and local union workers. Albany is a UNION TOWN, help us ask the new owners for support and sign the petition. 

To: Mr. Attillo Petrocelli, CEO; Anthony Miceli CFO; Michael Lamoretti, VP: Charles Harris, Director of Finance: Bernie Molka, Director of Construction
From: [Your Name]

The Albany Hilton has had a good relationship with labor community over the years and has shown a commitment to use local union contractors and local union workers that provide area standard wages and benefits.

It has come to our attention that a number of the contractors used in performing renovations at the Albany Hilton are non-union contractors. It is also our understanding that these contractors pay less than the area standard wages and benefits.

We the undersigned members of your community ask for your support in ensuring that workers at the Albany Hilton receive area standard wages and benefits and request that you contact the Capital District Building Trades to discuss how such a positive result can be achieved on any upcoming renovations at your hotel.