Tell Clearfield County Commissioners & The Biden Administration: No new mega-detention facility in PA!

President Joseph R. Biden, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Antonio Scotto, John Sobel, Dave Glass

Updated 08/27/24

As the Biden administration comes to a close, we continue to hold the frustration and suffering caused by the recurrent lack of action to protect immigrant communities.

Despite promise after promise, the Biden administration has not only failed to dismantle ICE and the immigration imprisonment industry, but has actually increased criminalization of our communities and has expanded the implementation of destructive immigration policies.

Unfortunately, Pennsylvania has become an ICE detention hub. Currently, there are three detention centers operating in our state, one of which is the largest detention center in the entire northeast region of the country with over 1,800 beds available: Moshannon Valley.

Heartbreakingly, on December 6, 2023 - Frankline Okpu, an immigrant from Cameroon, was found dead in a solitary confinement cell at Moshannon Valley Processing Center. Since then, his family has launched a campaign demanding an independent investigation into his death.

We are determined to continue fighting for the closure of Moshannon Valley regardless of whomever is in office. We acknowledge that no matter what governmental failures our communities face, community takes care of community best!

At Juntos, we launched a Moshannon Support Network. We’ve launched this network as a resource for folks currently detained at Moshannon. The support Juntos is providing right now consists of visitation, letter-writing, and commissary. That being said, our work cannot be done without the support of our community members and allies. If you are interested in participating in our support network please fill out our interest form here. We are also graciously accepting donations for our commissary fund here. Please feel free to share these links to friends and family!

Join us in continuing the call for the end of the immigration imprisonment industry, the closure of Moshannon Valley, and the release of our community members! We ask that you please support by signing and sharing this petition as well as sharing the resources we have provided! We are deeply appreciative of your continued contribution to this cause!

For more information about our Moshannon Support Network, please contact our Community Defense Organizer at

Updated 11/2/21

In late September, Clearfield County commissioners agreed to two contracts to operate an ICE detention center at Moshannon Valley. These contracts, which are with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the private corporation Geo Group, would create the largest ICE detention center in the Northeast just months after York County Prison ended their IGSA contract with ICE.

That's not all- the commissioners agreed to the contract without posting the agenda for the meeting.  This act is a violation of the state Sunshine Act, which mandates transparency in government affairs. This is why, last week, we sued the Clearfield County commissioners with the support of ACLU PA and two county residents, demanding that the commissioners hold a public hearing about the proposed immigration center. Nothing about us, without us!

In response to this lawsuit, the county scheduled a meeting on 11/3/21 to provide the public with a chance to comment on these two contracts. We are joining in person to give testimony, will you support us in showing Clearfield County the wide ranging and diverse opposition that exists against this facility?

{After signing the petition ~ how else can you support?]

The Biden Administration has consistently failed to dismantle ICE and the immigration imprisonment industry that has historically targeted and abused our community. Despite campaign promises, this administration continues to rely heavily on immigration detention and the number of people in detention has increased 60% since President Biden has taken office. In our state of Pennsylvania, we are seeing a pattern of proposed detention expansion which will lead to increased enforcement and attacks on our people by ICE, while also incentivizing their caging for profit. This goes against our deepest values.

Moshannon Valley Correctional Facility is a mega detention facility that this Administration has already cut ties with once. Located in Clearfield County, the Moshannon Valley facility has the capacity to detain 1,800 people which would essentially triple the amount of immigration beds in our state. For context, York County Prison - which was the largest detention center in PA until its contract ended with ICE - had capacity to detain 800 people.

Join us in calling on President Biden, Secretary Mayorkas, and Clearfield County Commissioners with our demand to halt their plans to reopen Moshannon Valley Correctional as a new mega detention facility.

Our fight against Moshannon Valley, the immigration carceral industry, and its expansion in our state is moved by the following:

  1. People navigating their immigration cases should be able to do so in the community, not behind bars in detention or under surveillance.
  2. If you build it, they will come. The more detention beds we have, the more incentive there is to fill them. More beds create more enforcement.

  3. Livelihoods should not be dependent on the harm inflicted by detention centers. Private prison developers pitch detention centers as economic opportunities but our communities deserve better.

  4. In a global pandemic, the ongoing detention, transfers, and deportation of immigrants is a public health hazard to detainees and surrounding communities.
  5. Black immigrants face disproportionate rates of incarceration and abuse by immigration enforcement. A new mega-detention center in our state would increase the double targeting of Black immigrants by police and immigration enforcement.
  6. Humane detention is not possible, and loved ones in detention are subjugated to regular human rights abuses.

The immigration detention system as a whole is inherently abusive, unjust, and fatally flawed beyond repair. We call on the Biden administration to finally take bold action towards ending the expansion of detention in our state! Detention has no place in our communities! Please, join us and sign this petition!

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To: President Joseph R. Biden, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Antonio Scotto, John Sobel, Dave Glass
From: [Your Name]

President Joseph R. Biden, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, & County Commisioners Antonio Scotto, John Sobel, & Dave Glass;

I urge you to immediately end all plans to reopen Moshannon County Correctional as a new detention center in Pennsylvania. Despite campaign promises, this administration and your office continues to rely heavily on immigration detention. In our state of Pennsylvania, we are seeing a pattern of proposed detention expansion which will lead to increased enforcement and attacks on our people by ICE, while also incentivizing their caging for profit.

Since President Biden took office, the number of people in ICE detention has grown. That the administration has failed to dismantle a system that has historically targeted and abused our community is bad enough, but that is not all. We now know this administration is actively engaged in expanding ICE detention in Pennsylvania - through a private prison contractor. But this goes against what this administration has already recognized in Executive Order 14006: there is “broad consensus that our current system of mass incarceration imposes significant costs and hardships on our society and communities,” “does not make us safer,” and impacts “a disproportionate number of people of color.” This is why the Order said federal policy must “decrease incarceration levels” by reducing “profit-based incentives to incarcerate.” And while that Order focused on criminal detention facilities, the same issues are clearly at play with immigration detention.

I oppose your plans to increase detention in our state and detain immigrants in Clearfield County. I strongly urge you to take immediate action on this matter and consider the many ways that detention inflicts harm on our communities.

The immigration detention system as a whole is inherently abusive, unjust, and fatally flawed beyond repair. We call on the you to finally take bold action towards ending the expansion of detention in our state! Detention has no place in our communities!