Tell the Department of Homeland Security to close private for-profit immigration detention centers

Department of Homeland Security

Last week the Department of Justice made the momentous decision to stop using federal for-profit prisons, but our federal government continues to use private, for-profit immigration detention centers.

Sign the petition: Tell the Department of Homeland Security to close private for-profit immigration detention centers.

The DOJ is closing federal for-profit prisons because it found these facilities to be more costly, more dangerous, and less effective than government-run prisons.

For-profit detention centers are notoriously rife with humans rights violations. People are held without due process or proper medical care, and are subject to poor and unsafe living conditions. They regularly face physical and sexual violence. The facilities cost taxpayers more money than government run centers.

Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Raul Grijalva are now calling on the Department of Homeland Security to follow the DOJ's lead and end its relationship with privately run, for-profit detention centers.

Sign the petition: Join Bernie Sanders in calling on Homeland Security to close private for-profit immigration detention centers.

To: Department of Homeland Security
From: [Your Name]

Follow the Justice Department's lead and break ties with private for-profit detention centers. These facilities are unsafe, poorly run, regularly violate humans rights, and are a great cost to taxpayers. It's time for an immediate move to close all for-profit detention centers.