Tell the DNC: Stand Against Fracking

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Chair

Next week, Democrats from across the country will gather in Philadelphia at the Democratic National Convention. Discussion around the convention has mostly focused on presidential politics, but there’s more at stake in Philadelphia.

Every four years, the Democratic Party puts together it's platform, the ideas and beliefs that govern the party as a whole. The Democratic Party’s 2016 platform will be ratified at the convention – in just two weeks.

Tell the DNC: Include Fracking Ban in platform.

Our planet is in crisis.

The time is now to get serious about protecting our environment. Our continued use of fossil fuels is fueling dangerous climate change. The Democratic Party platform must stand against dirty energy and stand for a climate-safe future. The platform should call for an immediate ban on fracking.

Tell the DNC: Include Fracking Ban in platform.

Fracking threatens our air and water. The toxic results of using hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas have led to the contamination of drinking water, multiple earthquakes, and hazardous working conditions for workers in the fracking industry.

Because of these dangers, many communities have enacted bans on fracking. Unfortunately, poor communities and those with high minority populations are more likely to be exposed to the toxic effect of fracking. As Democrats, the platform should include our belief in environmental justice for all – no matter where we live. Fracking doesn’t belong in anyone’s backyard.

Tell the DNC: Include Fracking Ban in platform.

At their meeting in Orlando this past weekend, the platform committee passed a milk-toast compromise to allow the EPA to regulate fracking, and states that the practice shouldn’t be used in communities which object to it.

That doesn’t go nearly far enough.

Tell the DNC: Include Fracking Ban in platform.

Onward and Upward,


Joshua Grossman, President
Progressive Kick, Give Conservatives the Boot!

Progressive Kick is an organization of pragmatic progressives, dedicated to construction of a society that values the needs/rights/responsibilities of all of its members-from the most powerful to the least. Since the most powerful are already being taken care of, our capacity building focuses on the rest of us.

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To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Chair
From: [Your Name]

Our planet is in crisis.

The time is now to get serious about protecting our environment. Our continued use of fossil fuels is fueling dangerous climate change. The Democratic Party platform must stand against dirty energy and stand for a climate-safe future. The platform should call for an immediate ban on fracking.

Fracking threatens our air and water. The toxic results of using hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas have led to the contamination of drinking water, multiple earthquakes, and hazardous working conditions for workers in the fracking industry.

Because of these dangers, many communities have enacted bans on fracking. Unfortunately, poor communities and those with high minority populations are more likely to be exposed to the toxic effect of fracking. As Democrats, the platform should include our belief in environmental justice for all – no matter where we live. Fracking doesn’t belong in anyone’s backyard.

Please take a stand against fracking!