Tell the EEOC: We Need the Equal Pay Data Collection

EEOC Chair and Commissioners

The Trump administration’s Office of Management and Budget blocked an important Obama-era equal pay initiative that would have required large corporations to report pay data by race and gender to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. We can’t end pay discrimination and close wage gaps if employers can hide the fact they are paying women and people of color less.

Sign the petition urging the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to move forward on developing revised equal pay data collection now.

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Washington, DC

To: EEOC Chair and Commissioners
From: [Your Name]

We urge you to stand up for equal pay and stand against discrimination by ensuring the EEOC collects pay data by race, gender and job category. We’re counting on the EEOC to make sure we don’t allow gender and race wage gaps to continue to shortchange women and their families.