Tell the FDA: Keep heavy metals out of baby food!

Acting Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Janet Woodcock

According to a shocking new report from a congressional subcommittee, popular baby food brands like Gerber and Beech-nut contain dangerous levels of arsenic, lead and other heavy metals.

Incredibly, the Food and Drug Administration has been studying heavy metals in food for years, but still hasn’t taken steps to keep babies and the rest of us safe. That needs to change – and we need your help to make it happen.

Sign the petition now calling on the Food and Drug Administration to take emergency action now to ensure baby foods do not contain any dangerous heavy metals.
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To: Acting Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Janet Woodcock
From: [Your Name]

Toxic heavy metals like arsenic and lead have no place in baby food. Take emergency action now to regulate baby food and ensure that they don’t contain any dangerous heavy metals.