Tell the Legislature: Count ballots postmarked by Election Day!

Pennsylvania Legislature

Thousands of ballots arrived late to elections offices after the deadline (8pm on Election Day!) during our primary -- and had temporary orders in certain counties not been in place -- all of those voters would have been silenced.

We can’t rely on emergency orders for November -- our legislature needs to make it clear that voters across the state will not be disenfranchised by mail delays and capacity issues in county elections offices.

With additional waves of COVID-19 predicted in Pennsylvania and across the country, we need to be prepared for any possible election scenario -- and we need safeguards in place now. Our legislature must take action now to ensure that all ballots postmarked by Election Day are counted up until seven days after the November election.

To: Pennsylvania Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Voters across the state should be able to send in their mail-in ballot ahead of Election Day knowing it’ll be counted -- even if there are mail or processing delays. The Legislature must act now to make sure that voters aren’t disenfranchised by factors outside of their control -- if they send in their ballot by Election Day, it should be counted up to seven days after the election.