Tell The New Liberty Mutual CEO to Prioritize Climate Action Now

Tim Sweeney, CEO of Liberty Mutual

Tim Sweeney is the new CEO of insurance giant Liberty Mutual, making him a critical decision-maker of the fate of the fossil fuel industry's global expansion plans.

Without the policies that big insurers Like Liberty Mutual provide, new fossil fuel projects can't be constructed.

Sweeney must choose: will he continue to unlock the fossil fuel industry’s plans to ramp up coal, oil, and gas extraction, or instead adopt policies to accelerate a just energy transition?

Sign the petition below, urging Sweeney to make Liberty a climate leader, instead of a laggard.

To: Tim Sweeney, CEO of Liberty Mutual
From: [Your Name]

Dear Mr. Sweeney,

Congratulations on your new position as CEO at Liberty Mutual! We welcome you into the role and hope that you take this opportunity to chart an ambitious sustainability agenda for the company.

Right now, Liberty Mutual is fueling the climate crisis as one of the world’s largest insurers of coal, oil, and gas in the world. Under your predecessor, Liberty Mutual adopted some restrictions on coal but failed to limit any of its services for oil and gas projects and companies. This has made Liberty a critical enabler of fossil fuel expansion, as well as a laggard among the global insurance industry when it comes to climate action.

You now have the opportunity to make Liberty a bold leader among U.S. insurers by enacting policies that align Liberty’s energy underwriting and investments with the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming to 1.5ºC.

This means limiting support for new fossil fuel infrastructure, which would lock us all into a world of runaway global warming. As the International Energy Agency underlined in its Net Zero by 2050 scenario, the path to that goal is "narrow but still achievable" and requires an immediate end to new oil and gas fields, coal mines or coal plants. Potential emissions from oil, gas and coal reserves already in production more than exhaust a 2°C carbon budget, and take us far beyond 1.5°C.

We call on you to take concrete steps to align with a world in which climate change is limited to 1.5°C and, human rights are fully respected:
1. Immediately stop insuring new and expanded coal, oil, and gas projects;
2. Set 1.5°C-aligned zero dates for phasing out all fossil fuel insurance;
3. Immediately end financing for projects and companies that are implicated in abuses of human rights, especially Indigenous rights.

We look forward to seeing which side you are on: fossil fuels or our collective future.