Tell the SLC Mayor to Include Social Housing in the Mayor's Recommended Budget

Salt Lake City Mayor

Why sign this petition?

Salt Lake City, like cities all over the country, is facing a housing crisis. A step in fixing the housing crisis is social housing, which is publicly owned, permanently affordable, mix-income communities, and gives residents democratic decision-making power to have control over their living conditions.

This petition is to let the Salt Lake City Mayor know that social housing needs to be prioritized. We are asking the Mayor to put social housing in their 2024 priorities, direct staff to work on the establishment of a public developer and put funding for a public developer in the Mayor’s Recommended Budget for 2024.

Find out more about social housing at

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How can we get social housing in Salt Lake?

State Law allows a local building authority (public developer) to be created by a local government (the City) by following the procedures in Title 16, Chapter 6a.

In Salt Lake City, this means that the Mayor and City Council would need to create a public developer. They would also need to fund the public developer. The Budget is created by the Mayor and then adopted by the Council before June 30 of each year.

We are creating a charter that the Mayor could support and the Council could adopt to create a public developer. The charter would set how the public developer would work so that it meets its mission and is accountable to the public.

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To: Salt Lake City Mayor
From: [Your Name]

Salt Lake City, like cities all over the country, is facing a housing crisis. A step in fixing the housing crisis is social housing, which is publicly owned, permanently affordable, builds cross class communities, and gives residents democratic decision-making power to have control over their living conditions.

As the Salt Lake City Mayor you have the power and responsibility help solve this housing crisis by prioritizing social housing. We ask that you include the establishment of a public developer in your 2024 priorities, which would include a budget for funding a public developer in the Mayor's Recommended Budget (MRB).