Texas Senate

It’s your job. It’s your paycheck. And how you spend your hard-earned money ought to be your choice.

SB 13 is an unwarranted intrusion into the personal economic freedom of state and local public employees.

Here are the Facts on Payroll Dues Deduction:

Entirely Voluntary - No public employee is required to join a labor union and pay union dues through payroll deduction.

Zero Expense to Taxpayers - State law requires the organization receiving dues to pay any administrative costs, if any, incurred in processing deductions. That cost is so minimal that it is rarely even billed.

Not Used for Political Expenditures - State law forbids unions from using dues money to make political contributions. Those completely voluntary contributions must be handled by separate PACs.

This Decision Is Best Left to Local Governments in Their Role as Employers - Local governments have raised no objections to providing payroll deduction options that are commonplace in the private sector.

SB 13 Picks Winners and Losers Among Public Employees - The bill does not touch a long list of payroll deductions benefiting organizations that also take positions on legislation and lobby.

Fair Shot Texas is a statewide coalition of community partners, coordinated by the Texas AFL-CIO, Texas State Teachers Association, Texas AFT, AFSCME Texas, SEIU, and the Communication Workers of America. We represent thousands of Texas neighborhood school teachers, correctional officers, CPS workers, and other public servants.

To: Texas Senate
From: [Your Name]

I oppose Senate Bill 13 and so should you. Protect my economic freedom and don't mess with my paycheck! Vote NO on SB 13.