Tell Wells Fargo to STOP Financing the GUN Industry!

Wells Fargo and other Financial Institutions

Petition graphic for Wells Fargo to STOP Financing the Gun Industry
Gun manufacturers have created a cycle of violence and fear that they benefit from financially, while harming our Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. We can stop this cycle of violence by leveraging our buying power.

Wells Fargo - and its peer institutions - CAN and MUST take action to not harm the communities it serves. We DEMAND that Wells Fargo stop financing the gun industry. This means:
  • End all political donations to the gun industry and NRA-backed and endorsed political candidates and/or electeds.

  • Ending lending relationships with the NRA and gun manufacturers until universal background checks are instituted.

  • Invest 15% of your profits from any past business with gun manufacturers into survivor funds in the communities you serve.

Join AAPI Victory Alliance in building a world where everyone feels safe in their communities whether it’s at home, school, work or place of worship.

We can, and must do better for future generations. Take action today and call upon Wells Fargo to stop financing the gun industry!
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Washington, DC

To: Wells Fargo and other Financial Institutions
From: [Your Name]

To Wells Fargo Executives and Board:

I write to DEMAND that Wells Fargo stop financing the gun industry.

I'm calling on you to take action today because losing even one life it too much. But everyday, 110 Americans are killed by gun violence. And recently, there has been a sharp increase in mass shootings that is harming our communities. This is unacceptable - and you have the power to do something about it by stopping your financing of the gun industry.

You can also:

-- End all political donations to the gun industry and NRA-backed and endorsed political candidates and/or electeds.

-- Ending lending relationships with the NRA and gun manufacturers until universal background checks are instituted.

-- Invest 15% of your profits from any past business with gun manufacturers into survivor funds in the communities you serve.

I look forward to seeing you do the right thing!