Tell your elected officials: It’s time to cancel all student debt


We need to cancel student debt – all of it. Fortunately, there are bills in the House and Senate that would do just that: The Student Debt Cancellation Act of 2019 (H.R.3448) and The College For All Act of 2019 (S.1947).

We, the undersigned, call upon our Representatives and Senators to become co-sponsors of these bills.

Today, an estimated 46 million Americans are burdened down with student debt – a burden that’s reached a staggering $1.6 trillion nationwide.

It wasn’t always like this. These 46 million Americans are the victims of a failed social experiment. Generations of Americans were once able to attend public colleges and universities at little or no tuition cost. Things changed in the 1980s, as the Reagan Era undermined the social contract that gave us decades of shared economic growth. Our nation’s leaders shifted more of the cost of higher education to individuals with a false promise: they told people their new debt was an investment that would pay itself back, and more, in higher earnings after graduation.

It wasn’t true. Instead, millions of people were caught in a student loan trap. It’s time to set them free.

There is a solution. Add your name and tell your senators and members of Congress: We want you to support the Student Debt Cancellation Act of 2019 (H.R.3448) and the College For All Act of 2019 (S.1947).

Some people think we should cancel some debt, for some people, some of the time. We disagree, for three reasons. First, 46 million people were misled by false promises and they deserve justice. Second, we don’t need another complicated program with all sorts of forms to fill out and rules to follow.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, cancelling all student debt will help all of us – whether we have a college education or not. An economic study showed that full student debt cancellation will create millions of jobs – not just for people who have attended colleges or other institutions of higher learning, but workers at all education levels all across the country. Full cancellation will also do more than any other student debt proposal to reduce the racial wealth gap, according to two experts.

Please add your name and tell your Representative and your Senators: It’s time to free 46 million people – and all of us – from the student loan trap. Support the Student Debt Cancellation Act of 2019 (H.R.3448) and the College For All Act of 2019 (S.1947)

To: Congress
From: [Your Name]

Dear Representative,

Today, an estimated 46 million Americans are burdened down with student debt – a burden that’s reached a staggering $1.6 trillion nationwide. It wasn’t always like this, but there is a solution.

There are bills in the House and Senate that would cancel all student debt: The Student Debt Cancellation Act of 2019 (H.R.3448) and The College For All Act of 2019 (S.1947). Canceling all student debt would lead to economic growth and create millions of new jobs. Millions of Americans need debt relief now.

Please vote in support of these bills and consider adding your name as a co-sponsor. Thank you!