Tell your legislators to stand with all of us!

Pennsylvania State Senators and Representatives

All Pennsylvanians—Black, white, Latinx, and Asian; native-born and immigrants; employers and employees—have been making sacrifices and working together to reduce the devastating impact of COVID-19.

Pennsylvania’s frontline workers are putting their lives at risk doing essential jobs, providing health care, serving the public, and supplying food and other necessities.

Most of us are complying with the public health regulations that are so critical to protecting our health and lives.

Many of us have lost jobs or have had to close our businesses, leaving us struggling to make ends meet.

 And far too many of us are grieving the loss of loved ones, who too often have died terribly and alone.

By coming together in our communities, we will be able to get through this crisis. We need elected leaders to work with us, to provide working people and their families with immediate relief as well as to fix our economy so that we all do well in the future.

Yet instead of addressing these needs, too many legislators in Harrisburg are playing dangerous political games. Distracting from their failure to address the needs of working people, some legislators are more interested in pleasing corporate lobbyists and right-wing ideologues by voting to overturn the public health regulations that are keeping us all safe. They have even rejected proposals to protect frontline workers and raise their wages.

Pennsylvanians need government to protect and support everyone—not just in times of crisis but all the time.

We need them to:

  • provide essential workers with protective equipment, hazard pay, and living wages.
  • provide relief to small businesses now and access to capital in the future.
  • allow every worker to earn paid family leave and sick days.
  • suspend rents and mortgages and make housing affordable for working people.
  • make testing and emergency care free for COVID-19 and make quality affordable health care available to all.
  • invest in our schools and colleges so these institutions not only survive, but provide all children with the education they need to have a bright future.
  • fix a broken tax system  in which the rich pay at half the rate of working people.

We need to stand together to limit the spread of COVID-19.

We need a compassionate response that helps Pennsylvanians who are struggling,

And we need a plan for the future that helps all of us thrive—Black, brown, and white; urban and rural; native-born, and immigrant, whether documented or not.

We choose to stand together to build a stronger, more equitable commonwealth and a better future for us all.

Please sign this petition and join us!

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To: Pennsylvania State Senators and Representatives
From: [Your Name]

All Pennsylvanians—Black, white, Latinx, and Asian, native-born and immigrants, employers and employees—have been making sacrifices and working together to reduce the devastating impact of COVID-19.

Pennsylvania’s frontline workers are putting their lives at risk doing essential jobs—providing health care, serving the public, and supplying food and other necessities.

Most of us are obeying the public health regulations that are so critical to protecting our health and lives.

Many of us have lost jobs or have had to close our businesses, leaving us struggling to make ends meet.

 And far too many of us are grieving the loss of loved ones, who too often have died terribly and alone.

By coming together in our communities, we will be able to get through this crisis. We need you to work with us to provide working people and their families with immediate relief as well as to fix our economy so that we all do well in the future.

What we don't need is political games that distract from a failure to support working people and mainly try to appease corporate lobbyists and right-wing ideologues by voting to overturn public health regulations that are keeping us all safe. We don't need votes against proposals to protect frontline workers and raise their wages.

Pennsylvanians need government to protect and support everyone—not just in times of crisis but all the time.

We are asking you to

- provide essential workers with protective equipment, hazard pay, and living wages.
- provide relief to small businesses now and access to capital in the future.
- allow every worker to earn paid family leave and sick days.
- suspend rents and mortgages and make housing affordable for working people.
- make testing and emergency care for COVID-19 free, make quality affordable health care available to all.
- invest in our schools and colleges so these institutions not only survive but provide all children with the education they need to have a bright future.
- fix a broken tax system in which the rich pay at half the rate of working people.

We need to stand together to limit the spread of COVID-19.

We need a compassionate response that helps Pennsylvanians who are struggling.

And we need a plan for the future that helps all of us thrive—Black, brown, and white; urban and rural; native-born; and immigrant, whether documented or not.

We choose to stand together to build a stronger, more equitable commonwealth and a better future for us all. We want you to stand with us.

Thank you—I hope for your support on these life-saving policies.