Thank Durham's Staff and Elected Leadership

Durham Mayor, Council members, and Manager

Our budget priorities this year have been three asks to invest in safe and healthy streets and fare-free transit by funding:

  1. Continuation of fare-free GoDurham and GoDurham ACCESS services
  2. The entire list of Transportation Department infrastructure projects plus design and engagement on Duke and Gregson/Vickers.
  3. Acceleration of the completion of projects by investing in staff (competitive wages and additional positions) and streamlining the project delivery process.

Our City staff and elected leaders have heard us and all of our priorities are included in the proposed budget and capital improvements program (CIP). It is important for us to thank our City Manager, Mayor, and City Council members when they are making good decisions.  

Please add your name to thank them and urge them to vote in favor of the FY2025 Budget and CIP on June 17.

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To: Durham Mayor, Council members, and Manager
From: [Your Name]

Our budget priorities are continuation of fare-free transit; continued investment in safe and healthy streets - sidewalks, traffic calming, safe street crossings, and protected bike lanes; and taking new measures to build capacity for delivering projects more quickly, such as the salary and wage increases and preparing to place a bond referendum on the November ballot.

Thank you all for including these priorities in the proposed FY2025 budget and capital improvements program.

Mayor Williams and Council, we urge you to vote in favor of this budget and the placement of the $115 million sidewalk and street resurfacing bond referendum on the November ballot.