This Veterans Day demand that Donald Trump honor our troops by visiting Arlington Cemetery

Donald Trump

In almost two years in office, Donald Trump has refused to even once visit our troops abroad.

This past weekend, Trump made things worse by canceling a visit to honor our war dead in France on the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI because it was raining. Yet, the French president had no problem visiting his country's war dead in the rain that same day.

Trump then returned to Washington, where he is spending Veterans Day watching TV in the White House, rather than visiting America's heroes at Arlington National Cemetery. (There's a chance of rain laster today.)

But you know who wasn't deterred from visiting our heroes at Arlington in the pouring rain last year? French President Macron.

There is something seriously wrong when the French president honors our troops more than our own.

Presidents Obama and Bush also didn't let a little rain stop them from honoring our fallen heroes at Arlington in past presidencies:

Throughout his life, Donald Trump has disrespected our military. He dodged the draft during Vietnam. He ridiculed John McCain's military service; attacked Gold Star parents; and called US troops "killers," comparing them to the Russians. And then, since taking office, Trump made a Gold Star widow cry, while steadfastly refusing to visit our troops abroad, living or dead.

This is neither normal nor acceptable behavior from an American president. Donald Trump's refusal to honor our troops is selfish, disrespectful, and un-American. This Veterans Day, patriotic Americans need to speak up in defense of those who can no longer speak for themselves.

Please join me in adding your name to those demanding that Donald Trump honor our troops this Veterans Day by visiting Arlington National Cemetery.

Petition by
Washington, District of Columbia
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To: Donald Trump
From: [Your Name]

Honor our dead. Visit Arlington Cemetery this Veterans Day.