Time is running out to act on climate!

Global leadership

A digital clock showing we have less than 5 years, 357 days, 6 hours, 50 minutes and 47 seconds to act on climate

Time is running out to act on climate!

Sign before November!

Huge areas of the world are being pounded by floods, fires, drought, and record heat waves. Global leadership is completely failing to take the correct actions at the required speed. We need to teach global leadership that “to act” is a verb (a doing word).

On the 22nd of July 2023 the climate clock ticked to 5 years remaining to limit global warming to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels.

Do you want to send a reminder to politicians at COP28 that there is less than

left to limit global warming to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels? Sign this petition to add your name and demand swift, decisive, and real action.
No more greenwashing
No more watering down essential legislation
No more empty promises

We demand global leadership to take scientists seriously

We demand a safe future for current and future generations

We demand accountability for those who are causing the climate crisis

We demand global leaders to consider people above profits

We demand the loss and damage fund to be implemented as soon as possible and without strings attached for those already suffering most from the impacts of the climate crisis.

We demand to have the voices of those already suffering from the climate crisis included in the decision-making process of global climate policies.

To: Global leadership
From: [Your Name]

Global leadreship, decision makers and influencers at COP 28,

We feel you not acting with the speed and urgency required to limit global warming to 1.5°C of warming compared to pre-industrial levels.
We also feel you do not understand the dire situation it already creates for the people already suffering the effects of climate change.

Therefore we demand:
- No more greenwashing
- No more watering down essential legislation
- No more empty promises
- Global leadership to take scientists seriously
- A safe future for current and future generations
- Accountability for those who are causing the climate crisis
- Global leaders to consider people above profits
- The loss and damage facility to be implemented as soon as possible and without strings attached for those already suffering most from the impacts of the climate crisis.
- To have the voices of those already suffering from the climate crisis in the decision-making process of global climate policies.