Time to Root Out Racism: Congressional Black Caucus, Support Impeaching Trump

Congressional Black Caucus

The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) has demonstrated powerful leadership for 48 years, fighting for Black, Brown, and other marginalized communities’ right to “achieve the American Dream.”

Since President Trump’s election, the CBC has advanced the resistance from the halls of Congress, challenging electoral college results, rejecting presidential meetings, and launching #RootOutRacism, a campaign to hold the administration accountable for its white supremacy.

The time has come for the CBC to continue their leadership by endorsing our grassroots call to Impeach Trump.  

American democracy faces a crisis of new magnitude. Trump has assaulted voting rights, jeopardized 800,000 immigrant youth, and played chicken with an atomic North Korea—and defended white supremacists in Charlottesville, VA.

Two weeks ago, the CBC requested background info on presidential impeachment process. In 1973 they were the first caucus to support articles of impeachment against Nixon, to stop to a corrupt President, and we are asking for that same leadership now. Their call for impeachment in 1973 worked then, and it can work now.

And as CBC’s weekend recess begins today, all eyes will be on what they, the largest caucus in congress, choose to do in their first month back from the August recess..

Sign to let the CBC know that if they join the grassroots’ call for impeachment, they will not be alone — their constituents, and the resistance have got their back.

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To: Congressional Black Caucus
From: [Your Name]

Congressional Black Caucus, endorse the grassroots call to Impeach Trump.