Toronto-St. Paul's Demands a Stop to Genocide in Gaza! Real Ceasefire Now!

Candidates for MP Representing Toronto-St. Paul's, Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Joly, Opposition Leader Poilievre, NDP Leader Singh, Green Leader May

We have watched in horror as Israel has been viciously attacking the Gaza Strip killing over 25,000 people, of which at least 11,000 are children. Israel caused the displacement of 2 million Gazans, decimated the Strip’s health network, caused the spread of disease and starvation, and obliterated infrastructure, places of worship, and heritage sites.

Canada’s stance has been disgraceful, veering towards complicity in Israel’s genocidal attacks. The initial full support and cover provided to Israel, followed by a hesitant call for a ceasefire, highlights a failure on Canada's part to fulfill its obligations in upholding human rights and
international humanitarian laws.

Mirroring the opinion of many Canadians, there is a growing contingent in the Toronto-St.
Paul’s riding that is uniting to call on our government to do what we all know is right: it must do everything in its power to stop these atrocities and seek justice for the Palestinians in Gaza and

As a fellow resident of Toronto-St. Paul's, will you unite with your neighbours in urging our
government to cease Canada’s complicity in the Gaza genocide and actively pursue serious
resolutions to the decades-long injustices endured by the Palestinians?

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To: Candidates for MP Representing Toronto-St. Paul's, Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Joly, Opposition Leader Poilievre, NDP Leader Singh, Green Leader May
From: [Your Name]

I am a resident of Toronto-St. Paul's, and I am horrified by the humanitarian catastrophe and loss of life in Gaza that has continued for over 110 days. This crisis has unmistakably underscored Canada's failure to address not only my concerns but also those of many Canadians from diverse backgrounds, including Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and individuals of other convictions. Canada’s stance has been disgraceful, veering towards complicity in Israel’s genocidal attacks. The initial full support and cover provided to Israel, followed by a hesitant call for a ceasefire, highlights a failure on Canada's part to fulfill its obligations in upholding human rights and international humanitarian laws.

Canadians, including myself, are raising their voices demanding justice for Palestine, and we will amplify them even more during the next election. Israel's vicious attacks on the Gaza Strip have resulted in the murder of over 25,000 lives, including at least 11,000 children. Many credible assessments indicate that Israel is on the precipice (if not well beyond it) of causing ethnic cleansing and genocide. This has led to the displacement of 2 million Gazans, the decimation of the Strip's health network, the spread of disease and starvation, and the mass destruction of homes, infrastructure, places of worship, and heritage sites. Gaza’s culture, archives, educational institutions, and government buildings have not been spared. The destruction is comprehensive.

All Gazan children (over 1 million) have been exposed to traumatic events and are experiencing a whole host of signs and symptoms of trauma including anxiety, fear, worry about their safety and that of their loved ones, nightmares and disturbing memories, insomnia, bottling up emotions and withdrawing from loved ones. The trauma giving rise to these symptoms is ongoing, relentless and compounding day by day. Childhood trauma is particularly severe because it disrupts developmental processes, putting children at risk of developing PTSD, anxiety, depression, and other psychiatric disorders that persist into adulthood.

In response to this unprecedented crisis, it is imperative for Canada and its international partners to uphold international humanitarian law, prioritize the protection of civilians, and facilitate the delivery of vital humanitarian aid.

I urgently demand that Canada fully supports the realization of an immediate and permanent ceasefire by all parties in the occupied Gaza Strip and Israel without further delay.

I also demand that Canada uses all diplomatic means at its disposal to enable:

i) An immediate end to unlawful attacks, including indiscriminate attacks, direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects, and disproportionate attacks by all parties.
ii) Israel to immediately allow unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid into the occupied Gaza Strip, lift its 16-year illegal blockade on Gaza, and grant immediate access to aid groups, UN agencies, and international investigators.
iii)The immediate restoration of internet and telecommunications infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, to allow rescue operations amidst Israel’s attacks.
iv) The release of all Israeli hostages held in Gaza and the release of all unlawfully
imprisoned Palestinians throughout the Occupied Territories.
v) A comprehensive arms embargo on all parties to the conflict given the serious violations amounting to crimes under international law currently being committed.
vi) The International Criminal Court’s ongoing investigation into the situation in Palestine to proceed and to receive full support and all necessary resources.
vii) The International Court of Justice’s ongoing genocide case against Israel, including an intervention by Canada in support of it in line with Canada’s historic role as a staunch advocate for the protection of human rights.
viii) The international community to resolve the underlying causes of this violence, namely the longstanding injustices endured by Palestinians for over 75 years: ethnic cleansing, annexation, occupation, apartheid, discrimination, and the ongoing denial of their rights to self-determination.

I urge you, as our elected representative, to actively voice your support in Parliament, on social media, and through traditional media channels, advocating for the demands outlined above.

Finally, the tragic situation in Gaza has deeply affected a significant number of the Toronto-St. Paul’s constituents who are grappling with the pain and anguish. As our elected representative, it is crucial for you to hold space for your constituents, who are affected by these distressing circumstances. Empathizing with and acknowledging the pain and suffering experienced by your constituents is critical in fostering a sense of community between you and the people you represent. In this dire moment it is essential that a commitment to humanity prevails.
