Uber and Lyft: Don’t stand in the way of workers’ rights!

Uber and Lyft

Join the Independent Drivers Guild in calling on Uber and Lyft to give drivers a living wage, safety protections, and the right to form a union!

Rideshare drivers are tired of being mistreated by the app companies.

  • With Uber and Lyft taking up to 60% of our fares in commissions, we’re forced to work grueling hours to pay the bills.

  • Every day, we hear another terrifying story about a fellow rideshare driver who was carjacked, assaulted, or killed, and we have to leave home without knowing if we’ll return.

  • We constantly worry about being removed from the apps with the click of a button and no way for us to share our side of the story.

  • And because we don’t have a seat at the table, Uber and Lyft can keep getting away with doing nothing.

Rideshare drivers are fighting for a voice on the job. Despite our growing role in the American economy, we have been denied the fundamental right to join a union. The fact is, this industry has a long way to go to be fair for drivers, and without an ability to collectively bargain, app companies will continue to resist improving our working conditions. That is why the Independent Drivers Guild is committed to fighting for the right to a union so we can transform the rideshare industry.

When drivers have the opportunity to collectively bargain, Uber and Lyft will have to answer directly to us, not just treat us like an anonymous data point on the other end of an algorithm. And we need your help to improve the lives and working conditions of hundreds of thousands of drivers across the country.

Please stand with Uber and Lyft drivers across America who deserve better working conditions. Sign our petition and support our fight for fair treatment!

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To: Uber and Lyft
From: [Your Name]

Rideshare drivers are tired of our working conditions. With up to 60% of our fares being used for company commissions, we’re forced to work grueling hours every week to make ends meet. Every day, we hear another terrifying story about a fellow rideshare driver who was carjacked, assaulted, or killed, and we have to leave home without knowing if we’ll return. We constantly worry about being removed from the apps with the click of a button and no way for us to share our side of the story. And we’re demanding a seat at the table.

Rideshare drivers are fighting for a voice on the job. Despite our growing role in the American economy, we have been denied the fundamental right to join a union. The fact is, this industry has a long way to go to be fair for workers, and without allowing drivers to share our experiences and improve our working conditions, your companies will be unable to fix the problems that plague app work. That is why the Independent Drivers Guild is committed to fighting for the right to a union so we can transform the rideshare industry.

We’re tired of being treated like an anonymous data point on the other end of an algorithm. You have hundreds of thousands of rideshare drivers across the country who deserve better treatment. All we’re asking for is a voice on the job. Stand with your workers!

Members and Supporters of the Independent Drivers Guild