UFT Members in Support of the New York Health Act

United Federation of Teachers

The New York Health Act is a bill in the NY State legislature that establishes a comprehensive health insurance system that will cover:

    • ALL New Yorkers - including those now on Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, Union Plans, The State Employees’ plan, etc.

    • At lower cost than most people or employers currently pay

    • Regardless of employment, gender, carceral or immigration status … Everybody!  

    • Expand coverage for ALL, there will be no such thing as an out of network provider

    • NYHA saves $10,000+ a year for every union member.

In 2015 and 2017 the UFT Delegate Assembly voted IN FAVOR of the New York Health Act, and a single payer system, respectively. However, since them the UFT leadership has lobbied AGAINST the NYHA stating "Over these years we have also sacrificed wage increases to advance quality of care and maintain the current cost structure. Workers have already “paid” for their benefits."

Health Care is a Human Right and should never be tied to someone's employment or wrapped up in risky labor negotiations. Our health is NOT a bargaining chip and the pandemic has shown us we are only has healthy as our neighborhood is. Covering everyone, benefits all.

Considering the recent removal of UFT retirees from Medicare, an affordable Health Care option, to the Aetna company now is the time to protect our health care from private interests! Furthermore, NYS would need a signed waiver from the President to certify the NYHA and while there is a Democrat in office, that could happen!

Now is the time!

Petition by

To: United Federation of Teachers
From: [Your Name]

Dear Michael Mulgrew,

In 2015 and 2017 the UFT Delegate Assembly voted IN FAVOR of the New York Health Act, and a single payer system, respectively. However, since then your UFT leadership has lobbied AGAINST the NYHA stating "Over these years we have also sacrificed wage increases to advance quality of care and maintain the current cost structure. Workers have already “paid” for their benefits."

Health Care is a Human Right and should never be tied to someone's employment or wrapped up in risky labor negotiations. Our health is NOT a bargaining chip and the pandemic has shown us we are only has healthy as our neighborhood is. Covering everyone, benefits all.

Considering the recent removal of UFT retirees from Medicare, an affordable Health Care option, to the Aetna company now is the time to protect our health care from private interests! Furthermore, NYS would need a signed waiver from the President to certify the NYHA and while there is a Democrat in office, that could happen!

Now is the time, listen to your members, support the NYHA!