UHS Should Provide Abortion Services.

UHS Leadership: Jake Baggott, Carol Griggs, Arnua Josyula

5/3/2022 Protest
Angela Major

Abortion is an important aspect of healthcare and is necessary for many college students. UHS can make abortions more accessible and safe by providing medical abortions on campus or providing payment for those who must travel out of state to receive abortions. Students should have a say in how their schools are run, and by signing this petition, you can show UW Madison that this is an issue that is important to many students.

Petition by
Madison, Wisconsin

To: UHS Leadership: Jake Baggott, Carol Griggs, Arnua Josyula
From: [Your Name]

Abortions are healthcare and therefore should be provided by UHS. UHS already provides birth control and pregnancy counseling services, yet has said that abortion is outside of the scope of its services. UW Madison has a responsibility to provide safe access to healthcare for its students, whether it is by providing medical abortions on campus or providing travel vouchers for students seeking healthcare out of state. Inaction on this issue is taking a stance against providing healthcare for those with uteruses and the UW-Madison community in general.