Uninvite Amy Coney Barrett from the University of Minnesota!

UMN Twin Cities Law School, UMN Board of Regents

Red picture of Amy Coney Barrett with text that reads "Keep Amy Coney Barrett Off Campus" along with YDSA UMN's logo and our social media handle "@YDSAUMN"

Hate has no place on the University of Minnesota campus! Please sign out petition calling on the UMN Law School and Board of Regents to uninvite Amy Coney Barrett from speaking on campus. Her actions and rhetoric contradicts the University's Mission Statement and supposed caring for the well-being of the marginalized. Read the full petition, with sources, below.

Does your student group or organization want to publicly sign this petition? Fill this out: https://forms.gle/c5jj8houRKsewYgz8

Fill out our Interest Form to get more involved with the campaign: https://z.umn.edu/StopACB

Petition Text:

The University of Minnesota Twin Cities in its mission statement claims that it “provides an atmosphere of mutual respect, free from racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice and intolerance”, and its Office of Equity and Diversity states “It is our responsibility as an institution—as part of our commitment to creating a welcoming and affirming climate—to serve and support the following individuals and groups at the University of Minnesota: American Indians and other indigenous populations, People of color, including underrepresented groups and new immigrant populations, People with both apparent and non-apparent disabilities, People who identify as women, People of various gender and sexual identities and expressions, First-generation students.”


Amy Coney-Barrett has damaged and actively works to dismantle already sparse immigrant rights within the United States of America.

Amy Coney-Barrett has denied all but one refugee asylum request, and has voted against multiple forms of immigrant aid/relief. She has shown little compassion for humanitarian cases for seeking asylum. “Barrett has consistently upheld denials of asylum and other forms of humanitarian protection (with only one exception), even in cases where applicants presented evidence of egregious persecution in their home country. For example, Barrett agreed with an immigration judge’s decision to deny protection to Maria Pomposo Lopez, a Mexican woman, and her children even though her persecutors had held her at gunpoint, attempted to abduct her daughter, and left phone messages in which they threatened to take her children’s organs. Barrett found that these egregious incidents did not amount to “grave harm to compel a finding of past persecution.”


Amy Coney-Barrett is in practice and in ideology an opponent of the safety and wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+ Community, Women, Black and Indigenous peoples, and the working class.

Amy Coney-Barrett voted to repeal Roe v Wade, which was a decades long precedent that federally protected the right to an abortion as well as the right to bodily autonomy and other reproductive rights. This decision has led to states passing regressive laws against abortion that have led to women being arrested for seeking an abortion, including minors and victims of rape.


Amy Coney-Barrett voted against the Navajo Nations request that the government of the United States uphold its treaty promises and provide access to the water of the Colorado river. This is particularly harmful and cruel, as a third of the population of the Navajo Nation does not have access to running water within their homes.


Amy Coney-Barrett ruled that use of racial slurs does not create a harmful or racist working environment. "During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Judge Barrett was asked about her ruling in Smith v. Illinois Department of Transportation. In that case, Judge Barrett authored an opinion rejecting a claim by a Black employee, Terry Smith, that he had been subject to a racially hostile work environment when his supervisor used the "n-word" to refer to him directly. Rejecting that claim, Judge Barrett concluded that use of the n-word did not necessarily create a racially hostile work environment." She has also refused to hear cases related to civil rights.


Amy Coney-Barrett voted to weaken a union's right to strike, claiming that workers are responsible for the damage done to company property when they strike. This further weakens already minimal workers rights and protection in the USA. Decisions like this directly attack workers with the goal of making them powerless in the face of the boss and the government. Amy Coney-Barrett routinely has shown that she is anti-labor and against workers. In 2017 she voted not to re-hear U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Autozone, in which a three-judge panel ruled in favor of an Autozone which had segregated its stores based on race.” In 2020 sheruled that GrubHub drivers could not file a class action lawsuit against their employer — a blow to workers in the rapidly expanding gig economy.”


Amy Coney-Barrett is an existential threat to the LGBTQIA+ Community. She has questioned the federal governments protection of same-sex marriage, voted to overturn affirmative action, claims that title 9 protections do not apply to the transgender community, and has made public transphobic remarks. It is clear that ACB has no interest in protecting people from the queer community. “People will feel passionately on either side about whether physiological males who identify as females should be permitted in bathrooms, especially where there are young girls present.” - Coney Barrett



“(08/28/23) — Leading into the fall semester, the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus will welcome an exceptional class of students that is one of the largest and the most diverse in campus history.”

Inviting Justice Barrett to the UMN-TC campus is a backhanded and hypocritical move from an institution that raves about “diversity” and welcoming of “an exceptional class of students that is one of the largest and the most diverse in campus history.” We hope to have shown that by inviting one of the highest ranking officials in our nation who has repeatedly proven to be antagonistic to all marginalized peoples, the University of Minnesota is not being loyal to its supposed core ethics and beliefs stated within its mission statement. We also acknowledge that this is not an exhaustive list of the problematic and reactionary actions of Amy Coney-Barrett. The fact that Amy Coney Barrett is on the supreme court perpetuates the damage done to marginalized communities and threatens their very existence.

By inviting ACB to speak on campus, the University of Minnesota is signaling to students, workers, and marginalized communities that it does not wish to uphold its own statements about creating a safe, inclusive, and diverse campus. It is actively going against its own mission statement, undermining its own credibility, and continuing to further hurt marginalized peoples.

We, the undersigned, explicitly ask for the University of Minnesota Law School & the University of Minnesota board of regents to uninvite Court Justice Barrett, on the basis of her hateful and reactionary rhetoric and actions.

To: UMN Twin Cities Law School, UMN Board of Regents
From: [Your Name]

The University of Minnesota Twin Cities in its mission statement claims that it “provides an atmosphere of mutual respect, free from racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice and intolerance”, and its Office of Equity and Diversity states “It is our responsibility as an institution—as part of our commitment to creating a welcoming and affirming climate—to serve and support the following individuals and groups at the University of Minnesota: American Indians and other indigenous populations, People of color, including underrepresented groups and new immigrant populations, People with both apparent and non-apparent disabilities, People who identify as women, People of various gender and sexual identities and expressions, First-generation students.”


Amy Coney-Barrett has damaged and actively works to dismantle already sparse immigrant rights within the United States of America.

Amy Coney-Barrett has denied all but one refugee asylum request, and has voted against multiple forms of immigrant aid/relief. She has shown little compassion for humanitarian cases for seeking asylum. “Barrett has consistently upheld denials of asylum and other forms of humanitarian protection (with only one exception), even in cases where applicants presented evidence of egregious persecution in their home country. For example, Barrett agreed with an immigration judge’s decision to deny protection to Maria Pomposo Lopez, a Mexican woman, and her children even though her persecutors had held her at gunpoint, attempted to abduct her daughter, and left phone messages in which they threatened to take her children’s organs. Barrett found that these egregious incidents did not amount to “grave harm to compel a finding of past persecution.”

Amy Coney-Barrett is in practice and in ideology an opponent of the safety and wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+ Community, Women, Black and Indigenous peoples, and the working class.

Amy Coney-Barrett voted to repeal Roe v Wade, which was a decades long precedent that federally protected the right to an abortion as well as the right to bodily autonomy and other reproductive rights. This decision has led to states passing regressive laws against abortion that have led to women being arrested for seeking an abortion, including minors and victims of rape.


Amy Coney-Barrett voted against the Navajo Nations request that the government of the United States uphold its treaty promises and provide access to the water of the Colorado river. This is particularly harmful and cruel, as a third of the population of the Navajo Nation does not have access to running water within their homes.


Amy Coney-Barrett ruled that use of racial slurs does not create a harmful or racist working environment. "During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Judge Barrett was asked about her ruling in Smith v. Illinois Department of Transportation. In that case, Judge Barrett authored an opinion rejecting a claim by a Black employee, Terry Smith, that he had been subject to a racially hostile work environment when his supervisor used the "n-word" to refer to him directly. Rejecting that claim, Judge Barrett concluded that use of the n-word did not necessarily create a racially hostile work environment." She has also refused to hear cases related to civil rights.


Amy Coney-Barrett voted to weaken a union's right to strike, claiming that workers are responsible for the damage done to company property when they strike. This further weakens already minimal workers rights and protection in the USA. Decisions like this directly attack workers with the goal of making them powerless in the face of the boss and the government. Amy Coney-Barrett routinely has shown that she is anti-labor and against workers. In 2017 she “ voted not to re-hear U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Autozone, in which a three-judge panel ruled in favor of an Autozone which had segregated its stores based on race.” In 2020 she “ruled that GrubHub drivers could not file a class action lawsuit against their employer — a blow to workers in the rapidly expanding gig economy.”


Amy Coney-Barrett is an existential threat to the LGBTQIA+ Community. She has questioned the federal governments protection of same-sex marriage, voted to overturn affirmative action, claims that title 9 protections do not apply to the transgender community, and has made public transphobic remarks. It is clear that ACB has no interest in protecting people from the queer community. “People will feel passionately on either side about whether physiological males who identify as females should be permitted in bathrooms, especially where there are young girls present.” - Coney Barrett



“(08/28/23) — Leading into the fall semester, the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus will welcome an exceptional class of students that is one of the largest and the most diverse in campus history.”
Inviting Justice Barrett to the UMN-TC campus is a backhanded and hypocritical move from an institution that raves about “diversity” and welcoming of “an exceptional class of students that is one of the largest and the most diverse in campus history.” We hope to have shown that by inviting one of the highest ranking officials in our nation who has repeatedly proven to be antagonistic to all marginalized peoples, the University of Minnesota is not being loyal to its supposed core ethics and beliefs stated within its mission statement. We also acknowledge that this is not an exhaustive list of the problematic and reactionary actions of Amy Coney-Barrett. The fact that Amy Coney Barrett is on the supreme court perpetuates the damage done to marginalized communities and threatens their very existence.

By inviting ACB to speak on campus, the University of Minnesota is signaling to students, workers, and marginalized communities that it does not wish to uphold its own statements about creating a safe, inclusive, and diverse campus. It is actively going against its own mission statement, undermining its own credibility, and continuing to further hurt marginalized peoples.

We, the undersigned, explicitly ask for the University of Minnesota Law School & the University of Minnesota board of regents to uninvite Court Justice Barrett, on the basis of her hateful and reactionary rhetoric and actions.