Union Authorization Petition

Nevada System of Higher Education, UNLV Administration, UNR Administration

Graduate assistants contribute valuable research, creative, and scholarly activities to our respective institutions and Nevada as a whole. Graduate assistants teach over 100 different undergraduate class sections, provide research assistance and mentorship, and directly contribute to the prestigious Carnegie R1 classification of both UNR and UNLV.

Currently, there is no overarching framework for graduate assistants to guarantee cost-of-living adjustments or other increased monetary support. There is both an urgent need to increase graduate assistant compensation, and to encourage graduate assistant collective bargaining to ensure fair wages, benefits, and workplace protections.

We, the graduate assistants signed below, demand the following:

  1. Graduate assistants shall be granted the right to unionize and to bargain collectively the terms of their contracts with NSHE and their respective institutions.

  2. Nevada Graduate Student Workers shall serve as employees’ representative for collective bargaining with UNLV and UNR.

Your rights as a signer of this petition include the following:
Your right to privacy; your signature will not be shared with your employer and will remain private at all times.
Your right to revoke your signature; your signature will remain valid for one year, but you may revoke your signature at anytime.
Your right to freely vote if a unionization vote is called; signing this petition does not compel you to vote in favor of unionization, nor does it require you to pay dues.
Your right to freely associate; signing this petition does not make you a member of NGSW.

To: Nevada System of Higher Education, UNLV Administration, UNR Administration
From: [Your Name]

Graduate assistants contribute valuable research, creative, and scholarly activities to our respective institutions and Nevada as a whole. Graduate assistants teach over 100 different undergraduate class sections, provide research assistance and mentorship, and directly contribute to the prestigious Carnegie R1 classification of both UNR and UNLV.

Currently, there is no overarching framework for graduate assistants to guarantee cost-of-living adjustments or other increased monetary support. There is both an urgent need to increase graduate assistant compensation, and to encourage graduate assistant collective bargaining to ensure fair wages, benefits, and workplace protections.

We, the graduate assistants signed below, demand the following:

1) Graduate assistants shall be granted the right to unionize and to bargain collectively the terms of their contracts with NSHE and their respective institutions.

2) Nevada Graduate Student Workers shall serve as employees’ representative for collective bargaining with UNLV and UNR.