University Hospital: Respect Our Work with a Strong Contract!

Ed Jimenez, University Hospital CEO and Anna Michelle Brandt, University Hospital COO

Your Union is currently in negotiations with University Hospital management. Your wages, benefits, and staffing are all on the bargaining table. Our proposals include wage increases that surpass inflation, fair step movement that combats the inequities employees are facing at UH today and safe staffing that would improve patient care.

We present well-written proposals and well-developed arguments to support them at the bargaining table, but we are only as strong as our Union membership in the hospital.

Sign the petition below to show UH management that you stand behind the 5089 and 5094 Bargaining Committees as we argue our case at the bargaining table!

To: Ed Jimenez, University Hospital CEO and Anna Michelle Brandt, University Hospital COO
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned Nurses and Healthcare Professionals of HPAE locals 5089 and 5094 at University Hospital, are united in support of our Bargaining Committees and fair contracts that honor our dedication and service to our patients and the community.
We deserve strong contracts that include the following:
1) Fair wage increases and wage scales
2) Better benefits
3) Safe staffing