Urge Management at The Journal Times to Voluntarily Recognize Journalists of the Racine NewsGuild

Lee Enterprises, The Journal Times Management

As of September 24, 2024, the journalists at The Journal Times are organizing under the Racine NewsGuild, and we need your support to urge management to voluntarily recognize our union!

A supermajority of our newsroom has signed authorization cards to join the Racine NewsGuild, part of the NewsGuild-CWA. This union will give us a collective voice in shaping the future of our newspaper, advocating for better working conditions, job security, and fair compensation.

If management refuses to voluntarily recognize our union, it will delay important negotiations that are crucial for ensuring our workplace thrives amidst the challenges facing local journalism today. We believe that our voices are vital to delivering quality news and fostering a collaborative environment.

Racine NewsGuild Mission Statement: The Racine NewsGuild is dedicated to representing the journalists of The Journal Times and serving our community. Our mission is to work alongside management to create a healthy work environment that allows us to produce the best journalism possible. We seek to address issues like pay equity, workload management, and job security, ensuring our newsroom is equipped to serve our readers effectively.

Together, we can restore the proud tradition of The Journal Times as a vital resource for Racine County. If you believe in our mission, please sign our petition and join us in asking management to voluntarily recognize the Racine NewsGuild! Let’s work together for a brighter future for local journalism.

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To: Lee Enterprises, The Journal Times Management
From: [Your Name]

As concerned supporters of the Racine NewsGuild and the journalists at The Journal Times, we urge you to recognize the Racine NewsGuild voluntarily.

The employees at The Journal Times have united to advocate for improved working conditions, fair compensation, and a collaborative work environment. Recognizing their union is essential for ensuring the continued success of the newsroom and maintaining the quality journalism that serves the Racine community.

We encourage you to support their efforts by acknowledging the Racine NewsGuild. A partnership between management and staff will strengthen The Journal Times and reinforce its vital role in the community.