Urge #MOLeg to Pass Annual-Supply Birth Control Legislation Now
Missouri Legislature
Last session, the Missouri House of Representatives greenlit legislation that would allow people to obtain a yearlong supply of contraception at one time. Unfortunately though, legislators set the measure aside and didn't get it across the finish line. Missourians across the political spectrum strongly support greater access to birth control and want legislators to enact laws that increase access.
Sign below to tell our lawmakers this is the year -- pass annual-supply birth control legislation now!
Missouri Legislature
[Your Name]
The majority of Missourians want our state legislature to increase access to birth control and I am one of them. I am signing this petition to encourage you to expand access to contraception by prioritizing and passing annual-supply birth control legislation now.
When signed into law, this policy will increase access to contraception, improve health outcomes, and put Missouri in alignment with 25 other states.