Urgent Call: UNC Administrators Must Prioritize Climate Action Now

Administration & Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Signing this petition is urgent given the escalating climate crisis. With average global temperatures on track to exceed 1.5°C warming by the end of the decade, immediate and decisive action by all major institutions is paramount. UNC Chapel Hill, as a public institution, therefore holds a moral responsibility to lead in the movement to address climate change. This petition calls for swift and meaningful action from UNC Chapel Hill administrators, including an end to coal burning and accelerated implementation of sustainability initiatives. By signing, you're joining the call for immediate action to mitigate the climate crisis and safeguard our campus, our community, and our planet for future generations.

Please consider following and supporting UNC's Climate Crisis Committee to further this mission.

Petition by
Joshua Miller
Carrboro, North Carolina

To: Administration & Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
From: [Your Name]

We, the students, faculty, and staff of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), urgently call on the University to substantially expand its efforts to address the climate crisis. We are at a critical juncture in history. With global temperatures expected to exceed 1.5°C warming by the end of the decade, every action toward reduced greenhouse gas emissions is paramount.

As a public institution committed to the well-being of those on its campus and the broader North Carolina community, UNC-CH has a moral responsibility to champion climate action. While strides have been made in the past decade, progress remains incremental and insufficient.

The University continues to perpetuate environmental injustices through its reliance on coal-burning cogeneration plants. Pollutants released into the air undermine local health and contribute to climate change while the disposal of waste generated from the plants in historically marginalized communities harms residents and the environment.

This grave situation demands immediate and decisive action. We, the undersigned, urge the administration and Board of Trustees to uphold their commitments to sustainability, environmental justice, and community well-being by implementing the following:

1. End the burning of coal: UNC-CH must commit to quickly transitioning away from harmful practices like coal burning. While the current "carbon neutral by 2040" goal is a step in the right direction, we implore the University to expedite its efforts and become carbon neutral by 2035 and end fossil fuel use by 2040. UNC-CH should leverage provisions provided by the Inflation Reduction Act to support expansion of clean energy solutions, including solar power. While breaking ground on the Horace Williams Airport solar project is a good first step, efforts must include concrete dates for finishing construction of the solar farm that UNC-CH proposed to build by 2019.

2. Accelerate implementation of the Climate Action Plan: UNC-CH must accelerate implementation of UNC’s Climate Action Plan. In particular, medium- and high-impact projects related to cleaning the University’s purchased electricity, exploring carbon capture options, and updating building design guidelines should be prioritized.

3. Elevate sustainability as a top priority: The Interim Chancellor noted in his welcome video that “we deserve a university system that is equal to the challenge that North Carolina’s future is going to present” – and the state faces no greater risk than that posed by climate change. We seek a formal statement from the Interim Chancellor of UNC-CH acknowledging the gravity and urgency of the climate crisis and affirming the University's commitment to addressing it. Additionally, the search committee for a new Chancellor should include criteria focusing on the candidate’s proposed strategies for expanding and advancing UNC-CH’s sustainability goals in collaboration with Sustainable Carolina.

UNC-CH has an opportunity and a responsibility to lead by example in mitigating climate change. The time for action is now.